28th January 2011. We had gathered for men talk at Starbucks.
The ambiance was perfect.
The attendants were cool and wonderful.
The location was set nicely.
Everything was nearly perfect besides one thing.
Someone had to be "committed" by asking his girlfriend if he could attend the gathering. So, he was at Penang and She at KL.. the time was 9pm when he was invited.
He cant be there because of whatever excuses I dont give a damn!
The issue here is, did she have anything to do with the gathering?!
Fuck that. what was that have to do with the word "commitment". This is just not the way you do it.
he barely asked his parents for gathering for past few years and now because of his gf, he screwed us up because I requested her permission to let him attend nicely and politely via facebook.
lastly, you can stop me from interfere into your stupid commitment thingy but you cant stop me from hating it.
Men, if you are reading this article, please respect your girlfriend or wife and try not to be committed with the most ridiculous example I've mentioned above.
Ladies, same thing, leave your man some space when it comes to dilemma between his friends and you. YOU HAVE MOST OF THE TIME ALREADY!
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