Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Wahahahaha!!!as i said..i will get an A for my accounting !

So happy that i could graduate my diploma with "freaking colour"..well, actually i got a C for accounting.><.i have to thank two persons that tought me this stupid subject before the paper..who is KengNang and YeeSoo..i really sincerely faithfully seriously and finally,thank U.....phew..remember this day, the day that tortured me everynight.

I still couldnt back to normal ..wahaha..too happy la..

Too bad Loong,XinZhi, and some other buddies could pass..but sure you guys will make it better in coming paper..cheer up yo..

Hmm, after got this result..i wait for tonight's MoIs party time..JZ,ETC,Jeffery,Andy and me.5 fellows again..5 is our lucky number ka?by the way, got a friend who did something stupid. he passed me a cracked bottle of beer. and i swallowed it. seriously..hopefully nothing happen to my stomach..

i reached home at 4.30 in the morning and start blogging..

27,28 of may 2009, i love U!

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